Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I'm beginning to look (and feel) a lot more pregnant!

Dear friends and family,

I realize that I have set-up an expectation for this blog to be a very unreliable and out of date way to keep up on our lives. And I want you to know, that I plan to change this. I can only say that I will do my best to make sure this blog is a place you can read up on how Jack and I are doing, especially with the coming changes in our family.

Let me give you an update on how the first half of my pregnancy has been going (since I completely neglected to blog about this until now!). That's right... we are almost halfway through. Our ultrasound is scheduled for one week from NOW (as I write this). I have to say I'm really looking forward to seeing the little person inside me. I've certainly been doing my best to take care of it: sleeping/napping, eating healthy foods, taking vitamins, avoiding smoke and harmful other things, exercising.

And in past few weeks I'm pretty sure I've been feeling the baby move. One friend described it as butterflies. I've become pretty acquainted with the digestive changes now, and this is definitely different. A few nights ago I was laying flat about to go to sleep, with my hands resting on my belly and could literally feel the "flutter" and a slight push from it. I tried to get Jack to feel the same thing, but he couldn't. Too soon to share this experience I suppose.

Our appointments with the midwife clinic have been great. Very friendly people, knowledgable, not too invasive and supportive. I've dealt with a lot of nausea and they have done their best to advise me on how to best deal with it. We are thrilled that this place also offers water birth, which is an option we are SERIOUSLY considering (could have guessed that one, given that I've been a fish my whole life!). So far the testimonies I've heard on this type of delivery have been wonderful. We'll share more once we know more.

As for preparations, there has been little going on so far. I've had to change my wardrobe drastically. Thanks to the Veteran's Day sale at Value Village and the GENEROUS loans from friends I feel fully out-fitted now and have some really cute stuff to sport with my new body. I'm at the point now where people are actually asking if I'm pregnant, thanks to the clothes and the growing bump. It feels nice to look how I've been feeling for several months.

I have to be honest though, it hasn't all felt great. I've really had a hard time with nausea and vomitting. No matter how many times I do it, I hate every time and literally feel dread for the next one. I've tried my best to always have snacks, eat small and frequent meals, include more protien, drink red raspberry leave tea and get enough sleep, but my poor body is just plain uncomfortable some days. I have yet to try accupuncture or change my prenatals, though taking them at night has helped me avoid most of yucky feeling they cause.

Jack and I will have to find a bigger place, as the first 3 years of our marriage we've been living in a 1 bedroom apartment. I really like it there, the back patio opening to green grass and trees, the free pool, the open floor plan, it feels like home. However, babies take up space.

Beyond maternity clothing and more frequent visits to the clinic, we haven't really changed much. We're busy with church, friends, my work, family and enjoying the outdoors.

Pictures will follow soon, but I hope this update helps you feel more informed.

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