Monday, November 26, 2007


This afternoon as I counted out handouts for an upcoming nutrition class, I decided to listen to Rob Bell. He's the guy who talks on the Nooma videos. A friend from church told me about his podcasts and I've seen the Nooma videos, so no sales pitch was necessary. But as I listened I realized so many things that I have to be grateful for. I'll just list a few:
A loving, God-focused husband
The Bible, as a guide for a growing knowledge of and relationship with God
A community of believers to learn from, support, be challenged by and depend on
A family that cares about me and my needs
A brother who defends my freedom with his own life
A place to live that is reasonably priced, warm, dry, safe, and comfortable
A car that keeps working and doesn't cost much
A weekly celebration of resting in God's grace (Sabbath)
Friends who care and are interested in my life, and have lives that are interesting enough to care about
Physical health to enjoy outdoor recreation
A beautiful place to recreate in
Humor (my own, my husband's, my family's, my friends')
A college education
A desire to continue learning
The love of food, access to ANYTHING I want, ANYTIME, and a few culinary skills I've acquired over the past few years
Really COOL in-laws and a darling niece with red hair and blue eyes
Children (not my own, but friends', family's) and their wonderful example of living care-free and exhuberantly
Music and the ability to create and enjoy it
A job that I REALLY enjoy and am challenged by

I could go on, but I think you get the point. This time of year is one that stirs my awareness of all the blessings in my life. Take time to write your own list, soon.