Monday, February 2, 2009

Migration of Organs

The last month has been a fun one! Moving into the third tri-mester of pregnancy, my body is experiencing some strange changes. I thought I'd share a picture with you to give a glimpse inside of how my body is shifting right now to make room for baby "lulu". The backpain, the twinge of pain I feel sometimes when I move around from stretching ligaments, the frequent bathroom breaks, the shortness of breath, the smaller meals and the changing shape can all be partly explained by just how much my insides have to shift to make way for the baby. Honestly, this picture doesn't make the baby look to comfortable either!

Though I'm only in my 27th week, I think the general changes are pretty accurate. I'm really working on getting some pictures of me, but it's harder than you might think. I just need to breakdown and get out the camera one night, choose a fitting shirt, and stand in front of the wall. I'll look for some "in action" photos too, from recent social events.

As for other experiences we've been enjoying lately, the baby's movements are easily felt and seen at this point. Just this morning I watched the "popcorn belly" in amusement. I think it was the first time I noticed the baby's hiccups too (at least that's what I think it was). I'm still wondering what parts are moving when I see a bump or a sweep across my belly. Sooner than later we might be able to tell if it is a bum, limb or noggin. We'll keep you posted and maybe even try to get a video posted in the near future.