Tuesday, May 12, 2009


So the baby and I have a little stand-off going. I have to work within the 42 week timeline of obstetric professionals, and the baby wants to cook and stay cozy inside for as long as it wants. We're getting down to the wire these days, as I'm nearing the 42 week mark, which puts me into a "high risk" category that removes me from being treated by our midwife practice. So, Thursday we'll have to talk induction.

Please pray that things get going naturally. So far, my body has started the process of labor, and here are some signs: mucus plug drained out for the past week, mild-moderate contractions ranging from 5 minutes apart to more than 10, fatigue, dilation (I was 3 cm on Friday the 1st of May), effacement (I was 50% on Friday the 1st of May). These signs make me a good candidate for induction that is less extreme than it could be, however, Jack and I are really hoping to have a natural birth, with no intervention. We feel it is best for the baby.

One thing I was not prepared for at this stage of pregnancy is the constant questioning from friends and family about when the baby is coming. Of course, we want it to come soon, but we have no control over when it happens. Yesterday I even stopped answering my phone and just before falling asleep decided to change my voicemail to a message that told callers we would LET THEM KNOW when the baby arrived. I do appreciate the care and concern, and several folks have only given me encouragement. But everyone is curious and I can't blame them for it. It's just getting frustrating for me.

What I'm telling people to keep my spirits up when they ask:

Every day I'm still pregnant, is another day with MORE sleep and LESS responsibility.

I'm trying to enjoy the last few days with my husband while it is "just the two of us".

I'm doing my best to rest and keep track of early labor signs, so I'll know when things get serious.

We want the baby to start the process of labor, as it usually does when it is ready.

It's easier to be pregnant, than to take care of an infant (feeding/changing/carrying around/etc.)

What other people have told me to encourage me:

A baby that stays in longer is easier to take care of (sleeps through the night sooner, eats better, etc.).

I guess I'll just have to keep focused on the positive for the next few days and wait.

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